The Cohiba Nicaragua series offers cigars delectably rich character that has made the line a favorite landing spot for connoisseurs in search of a smooth yet intensely flavorful cigar smoking experience. The Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos are stars of the series, delivering immensely rewarding smokes in a size perfectly suited for anywhere
At a versatile 36 ring gauge and just over 4 inches in length, Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos won’t keep you tied down all day as many larger smokes do. But the smaller size doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice body, taste, or complexity. Instead, these bold little treasures unleash wave after wave of coffee, leather, pepper, earth, cedar, and spice notes throughout, while sweet cream nuances add a touch of elegance.
The 25 minutes or so of tasty goodness emerges from rich Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from the famed Esteli and Jalapa regions. A Nicaraguan binder and luxuriously dark Jamastran Colorado Oscuro wrapper leaf complete each medium-to-full bodied cigar.
With a compact size and balanced character that is simply bursting at the seams with flavor, Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos are an optimal way to enjoy the Cohiba brand’s first Nicaraguan-made cigar. Elevate the experience and pair Cohiba Nicaragua Pequenos with lively libations, such as dark rum or rye whiskey, for a deliciously unique sensory adventure!
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