From General Cigars, makers of the Macanudo and Partagas brands, comes a grand expansion to the Cohiba family of cigars, the Cohiba Black. Perhaps no other cigar exudes the balance of size, flavor and strength like the Cohiba Black Supremo.
The Cohiba Black Supremo is comprised of a dark Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper, a unique Dominican Pilato binder that has been aged in tercios for 3 years and supple filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Mexico. All of these tobaccos are expertly assembled into a perfectly constructed cigar with an ideal draw that delivers an extraordinary array of flavors.
Glorious flavors of spice, earth and espresso are laced with nougat undertones making for a most satisfying smoke. A medium body will make an early appearance, but will give way to a more robust character. Silky smooth, yet overflowing with richness, the 6” x 54 Cohiba Black Supremo will provide well over an hour of velvety goodness.
Best served as a cigar for moments of pure relaxation, the Cohiba Black Supremo will live up to its name and prove a supreme choice no matter what the occasion. To get your taste-buds firing on all cylinders, enjoy with a rich Bourbon Barrel Stout.
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