Dominican “Red Dot” Cohiba cigars are known for their elite quality and amazing array of flavors. Now that quality and flavor is available in a go-anywhere, smoke-anytime size! Introducing the Cohiba Pequenos!
These tasty little jewels are made from the same tobaccos as their larger cousins. The same Dominican-grown Cuban seed tobaccos are surrounded by the same Indonesian Jember binder wrapped in the same sweet Cameroon wrapper leaf. And of course the result is the same: pure delicious goodness! Wood, spice, earth and pepper flavors pour through the easy draw with a slightly sweet side-flavor to add to the yumminess.
Picture-perfect ash will catch you eye as you enjoy the overall quality of these small, but flavorful smokes. Medium in body and loaded with taste, the nicely balanced 4.19” x 36 Pequenos are perfect for cocktail parties, backyard BBQs, on the go or just quiet moments with coffee and the newspaper.
Enjoy for about 25 minutes anywhere, anytime. Packed in convenient tins of 6 cigars, the Cohiba Pequenos are the quintessential travel cigar. Whether in a coat pocket, briefcase or golf bag, Cohiba delivers big every time!
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