The Cohiba brand has a storied and turbulent past, but the one true Dominican cigar that carries the Cohiba name has made its case as one of the top cigars in the world. And as supporting evidence to this claim, we submit the Cohiba Toro Tubo!
The Dominican Cohiba or “Red Dot” Cohiba is truly a superior cigar with superior craftsmanship and ingredients. A sweet Cameroon wrapper surrounds a Jember binder form Indonesia and three unique Dominican-grown Cuban seed tobaccos. Thickly textured earthy peat, wood and spice flavors are laced with softer vanilla and toasted nut nuances to make a magnificent medium-bodied smoke.
Removing the 6” x 50 Cohiba Toro from its sleek aluminum tube is an experience all its own, as spicy aromas that are tinged with cedar grab the nose and won’t let go until the cigar flares into its magnificent first light. With class, quality and presentation, the Cohiba Toro is ideal for special occasions, gifts or to treat yourself for just being your amazing self.
Smoke the Cohiba “Red Dot” Toro Tubo anytime with friends or in perfectly harmonious seclusion for well over an hour. Enjoy after a sumptuous meal and with a Sherry-oaked Single Malt Scotch Whisky
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